Monday, July 7, 2008

Did I do this right...?

Heyyy!!!! I titled it "did I do this right" because i'm not sure I did... so at least you all know I was unsure and still decided to write everything I wanted to say any ways!! :)

HOW ARE YOU GUYS? I'm not going to lie this might be a little more towards the high schoolers... but I am soo excited for you guys!! God is doing BIG things through yall and to you!! It is hard has heck to not be there with you guys right now! I'm glad yall had safe travels and hopefully that canceled out some of the fears for you and your folks!! I can't wait to hear stories and see pictures from your time in Moldova! And you should just know that I'm super jealous!!! I want you to know that it kills to not be there with you guys right now. I would love to see you all as you're serving the children in Moldova. Be sure to keep yourself focused on God and staying in His word cause chances are there are going to be tons of hard times and lots of exhaustion by the end of the week! But He is gooooooooodness!!!

Love you guys and know that there are tons of prayers being said here in Nashville (or Mobile) where ever I am for you all!!!!!

oh and... bring back presents! :) hahah jk


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