Monday, July 7, 2008

Camp Day One

Today the Internat 2 team went to the kids camp. It was about 30 minutes away from the place where were staying at and was a very bumpy, but fun drive! As soon as we arrived, kids crowded around the van and instantly started trying to talk to us. For the first year people, like me, it took a while for the kids to warm up to you, but as soon as you would ask for a hug they would willing and lovingly embrace you! All they really want is love and to be cared for, and have someone there for them. Talking to them was very hard, even though we had translators. Sometimes we couldnt find the translators, so we had to just shake our head until we could find someone. There were some kids at camp that could kind of translate a little bit for you if you really needed help. I think we all connected with at least one kid, and grew very close to them! The hardest part of my day was when one of the older girls asked me if i would adopt her and take her back to america so she could live with me. I didnt really know what to say because different things were going through my mind, but i ended up telling here i dont think i can right now. Its very sad to think that in a few years she will be on her own and who knows what could happen to her.The rest of the week will be amazing and life changing! Im really looking forward to it!

Love and prayers to all,
Molly Bevels


buehlers said...

Oh, molly. I am praying all over you right now. How incredible you are to be there with those kids and simply giving it all away to them. The little girl you touched will always remember you, and the love you are showing may grow in her enough to break her free from some of the hard choices she may face. Wow - I have already been hearing stories of affirmation for our teams presence there, and you are certainly blessed to be there and a blessing to those to whom you've been sent. God Bless you girl and YOU GO! We love you.

lyrica1 said...

Hey Molly and the rest of the crew! Miss you all and I am praying for you. I'm in D.C this week but just wanted to stop by and catch up with what you are doing. I can't wait to hear the stories. Keep on praying for those children and loving on them like you are. Be safe and see you when you get back.


Lesli said...


Thank you so much for the update. Know that you and the team are prayed for here at RHCC.


Marian Cangelosi said...

Dear sweet Molly, Just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and the incredible ministry you are doing. It was amazing to read about your first day at camp. You are a blessing to those children and I know you have lots of love to give. I'm praying for you sweetie. God bless you.
love, Marian

Bevels Family said...

You have touched this girls life. Dad and I are proud of you for all that you are doing for these kids. We know that you are doing Gods work! Hug everyone that you can and let them know that you care!You are a blessing.

Mom and Dad

Doug and Cathy said...

Hi Molly! You are in our thoughts and prayers. What a wonderful experience for both you and the children you are meeting. You are one incredible young lady!! We love you!

brooke mckay said...

i am so glad you have touched this girls heart.
i hope you are having fun and learing
hopfully we can share the experiance again next year together
tell every one i miss them so much
and i miss you too
although your there i feel like im there i am keeping you all in my prayers
hope you have a wonderful time and lets pray they see god through your alls eyes
i wish i was with you and hope your having the experiance of a life time

love you all
