Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More on the unknown boy...

Wednesday was an emotional day for most of us. We are really getting to know a lot of kids at the orphanage and for some of us we are getting to know some kids even better than before. Today we made a visit to an orphanage here. As we pulled up to the school there was a little boy standing over by a statue or fountain looking thing with over grown weeds and bushes. He looked so adorable. He was all dressed up with a blue collared short sleeve shirt and dress pants that were a few inches too short for him and some old beaten up sandals on. And there he stood with two bags of belongings and one shoe box. That is all he had...all his belongings right there in less than I have when I come home from the grocery store. And he was all dressed up thinking he was going somewhere special. Finally somebody came over to the boy and helped him carry his stuff over by the teacher. He was so nervous and scared. He didn't say a word buy just stood there.
I know that these orphans have stories that I don't even know I could hear. I know that they have been abandoned by their families but never in my lifetime did I think that I would see the actual moment where that took place. This unknown orphan was standing all alone having been abandoned by his mother and father. They couldn't even wait to make sure he got to the right place, they couln't even make sure he was safe. How could a mother just abandon her child. I just dont understand. Tonight he will be in a new bed, in a new room, with people he doesn't know...and even if he cried there will be no one there to give him a hug. I remember being a child and spending the night at a friend's house and being sooo scarred to be in an unfamiliar place...waking up in the middle of the night and not recognizing your surroundings. My heart just breaks for him.
I tried to smile at him, but he was too scared to smile back.
Maybe one day soon he will be able to smile again. I hope we see him later and can give him some hope.

Last night all the teams gathered out by the house and wrote with sidewalk chalk the names of a child and a prayer for them. It was a very touching and emotional time as we all prayed for them. I hope that they all know how big and so strong and so mighty their God is and there is nothing He can not do.
Love, Allison


Unknown said...

Reading this just breaks my heart. God bless the work you all are doing over there!

Derek said...

Same here. I'm so thankful God is using Rolling Hills to minister to these children.