Saturday, July 5, 2008

we are here...

hey everyone! we had all on time flights, no craziness, and no lost luggage! we just got done eating dinner...rice, chicken, chips, and ice cream with brownies! some of us are ready for bed and some of use are still wide awake! We are very excited to start our week tomorrow with church and getting to know each other better! thank you for all your prayers and keep them going! Love, allison


Marian Cangelosi said...

What a blessing to hear from you guys! I will be praying for each one of you in a special way. I'm so proud of all of you and I know God is going to use you in an awesome way.Give lot's of love because the more you give the more you'll have to give. God bless all of you!
Adrianno I love you, miss you and am so proud of the young man you have become!
Love you guys!!!!!!!! Tchau, Marian

Bevels Family said...

We are glad that travel went well, and everyone has their luggage. Make the most of your time with the kids. They need lots of hugs from all of you. Let God guide your heart this week and do great things through him.
We are very proud of our youth!! We love all of you.

Molly, we miss you and we are so proud of you.

The Bevels